Wester’ly 5 Key Asks:
Network Access:
A guarantee for affordable access to the internet for all people living in Western Sydney.
Sustained Affordability - Network + Devices:
Affordable internet plans and hardware for all people living in social housing and on low incomes.
Digital Capacity Building:
Investment in digital literacy capacity building programs and accessible resources targeted at key groups experiencing disadvantage (including First Nations, CALD groups, parents and carers, people with disabilities, at-risk students and their families, older people and people on low incomes).
Whole of Government / Intergovernmental Collaboration:
A coordinated, collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to digital inclusion; and inclusive educational policy at all levels of government.
Ongoing Dialogue - A Seat At The Table:
We want to be part of the solution by taking a seat at appropriate working groups, such as NSW Department of Education Social Inclusion Working Group; and the Prime Minister’s Digital Technology TaskForce.